
career – 5 ways to ruin a successful career

career – 5 ways to ruin a successful career

It’s easier than you might think to ruin your entire career with one super stupid move. A PR professional ruined her career with one thoughtless tweet. Many careers were ruined by supposedly private emails leaked at Sony. A police officer in Atlanta was fired for sharing sensitive information about his job — like the hours he would be working as a plainclothes officer — on his private Facebook page. Of course, these sorts of gaffes aren’t new — it’s just the way they’re happening (digitally) that’s different. People have been making stupid mistakes that can ruin their careers for hundreds…
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Entrepreneur – 6 skills that all extraordinary entrepreneurs have

Entrepreneur – 6 skills that all extraordinary entrepreneurs have

The Creator’s Code is based on interviews with 200 entrepreneurs who have started companies that generate more than $100 million in annual revenue or social enterprises that serve more than 100,000 people. Some of these creators have started businesses that generate more than $1 billion in revenue every year. Crisscrossing the country, I spent hours interviewing creators in technology, retail, energy, health care, media, mobile applications, biotechnology, real estate, travel, and hospitality, working to understand their approach. Across my research, I witnessed individuals turning small notions into big companies time and again. From the creators who invented online storage provider Dropbox (annual revenue $200 million), fast-casual restaurant chain Chipotle ($3.9…
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Management – The difference between successful and very successful people

Management – The difference between successful and very successful people

I recently met with a capable and driven executive and asked him, “How are you?” He gave me a rapid-fire answer of all of the things he was doing: travelling, business updates, career changes and his children’s innumerable activities. It sounded like an intense but satisfying life. Then I asked him again, “How are you really?” And the moment I did, he became emotional and the reality of his life just flooded out of him: his stress, his frustration of trying to juggle it all, his sense that he had no time to really think, or play with his children…
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Entrepreneur – seven tasks successful leaders never delegate

Entrepreneur – seven tasks successful leaders never delegate

I’ve made the point before that knowing when and how to delegate is a trait of good leaders. It shows trust in your employees and ensures that you are focusing your own time and skills in your zone of genius — the tasks that only you can do. But I’d like to argue that there are some things that should never be delegated because they will make you too far removed from your team, open you up for criticism, or ultimately paint you in a bad light. If you’ve delegated any of the following tasks, I suggest you move these…
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Business – Defining the future of agriculture

Business – Defining the future of agriculture

Achieving food and nutrition security today and for a world population that will number more than 9 billion and be 70% urbanized by 2050 is a key global challenge. According to the Food and Agricultural Organization, current global trends in incomes, diets and population growth suggest that 60% more food will be needed in 2050. The evidence points to this being achievable, but there are some increasingly urgent pressure points in the system that must be addressed, including depleting water tables, climate change, inadequate infrastructure and reductions in land availability, largely as a result of soil degradation. I am an optimist: I…
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Career – Three reasons why employees underperform

Career – Three reasons why employees underperform

What an ongoing struggle it is to get employees to perform. At HR conferences, Vistage and CEO meetings or Organizational Development groups, the topic always seem to be about getting our employees to step up and do great work. In all my years of teaching and consulting around workplace performance, I see three reasons why employees consistently underperform: they are incapable, they are disconnected or they are unclear. Employees are incapable. Employees who are incapable have core abilities that do not align with the abilities required to complete the activities of the job. Every job has very specific activities that…
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Entrepreneur – 3 steps for Europe to boost entrepreneurial innovation

Entrepreneur – 3 steps for Europe to boost entrepreneurial innovation

Entrepreneurship is vital to growing markets. And across most of Europe, entrepreneurship is lacking. In 2013, the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor found that early stage entrepreneurial activity was less than 6% of the population between the working ages of 18-64 in Greece as well as in the four largest economies in Europe—Germany, France, Italy, and Spain. By contrast, BRIC countries and the United States each ranged between 10%-17% in early state entrepreneurial activity. Early stage activity is defined as either actively setting up a new business or owning and managing a new business for less than 42 months. The paucity of…
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Entrepreneur – What These 6 Entrepreneurs Learned From Their Biggest Mistakes

Entrepreneur – What These 6 Entrepreneurs Learned From Their Biggest Mistakes

We asked members of the Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO) to share the lessons they learned after some of their biggest misses in business. Define Roles Clearly "After we hired our first employee in 2013 into a generalist role, I quickly realized that the position was not set up for success. There were no clearly defined metrics that this position would be held accountable for, and we were pulling this employee in multiple directions. We eventually shook hands and parted ways, and have since implemented clearer accountability standards while regularly meeting as a team to check in on how everyone is progressing."…
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career – How to answer “what was your last salary?”

career – How to answer “what was your last salary?”

You’re ready for the job interview or the phone screening call. You’re excited to learn more about the job opportunity. Then the dreaded question comes down: “What were you earning at your last job?” You have to be ready to answer it! I will give you a good answer to that question on one condition: you have to shift your view of the employer-job candidate relationship in order to use the answer I give you. You have to step out of the standard Sheepie Job Seeker frame and realize that you are an equal partner in the hiring process. You…
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