
Entrepreneur – Key difference between entrepreneurs and employees

Entrepreneur – Key difference between entrepreneurs and employees

Around 13% of Americans are starting or running their own companies. Almost everyone else is an employee. We may have found out the difference between the two types. According to a 2013 Swiss-German study, the difference lies in disposition: While an employee is a specialist, an entrepreneur is a jack-of-all-trades. “Entrepreneurs differ from employees in that they must be sufficiently well versed in a whole set of entrepreneurial skills,” write Uschi Backes-Gellner of the University of Zurich in Switzerland and Petra Moog of the University of Siegen in Germany. On the other hand, they say that employees are “specialists who work for others and whose…
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Career – Things successful people do between jobs

Career – Things successful people do between jobs

Suppose you were just offered a new job and the company is fairly flexible with your start date. How much time should you take? And what should you do with that time? Career and workplace experts suggest taking at least one week off to allow yourself to mentally prepare for this next big chapter in your life, and to give your brain a break. 1. Get organized. Minimize the stress of your first week in a new job by taking time to organize your personal life. “Any projects around the house that have been nagging at the back of your mind? Now is…
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Management – The 7 types of manager

Management – The 7 types of manager

With all the efforts those who are managed, the mass, put forth in a regal and often last attempt to salvage a once positive work environment, at the core of every toxic working environment is the toxic boss, manager or supervisor that breeds it. All roads go back to the manager. And if the manager isn’t willing to change, then it’s a safe bet that nothing will. That’s why to impact long lasting change, managers need to upgrade their style and approach to managing their people. Throughout my years of coaching managers, business owners and executives, I’ve been able to…
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Career – Signs your job interview is going badly

Career – Signs your job interview is going badly

Most people think it’s difficult — or even impossible — to determine how well they’re performing during a job interview. But if you look closely, the hiring manager’s body language and subtle cues will probably tell you exactly how they feel about you as a candidate. “It behooves you to read between the lines and gauge the interviewer’s actions and responses, so you can shift your approach, presentation style, or better clarify your answers,” says Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and the author of “Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job.” For…
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Mobile Apps – The mobile market in 2015 will focus on these 4 mobile trends

Mobile Apps – The mobile market in 2015 will focus on these 4 mobile trends

2014 was the year that mobile stopped being the next big thing and became THE BIG THING. Investors poured money into mobile apps that showed the slightest signs of traction, new service providers popped up like mushrooms and most importantly, app developers started seeing some serious profits. Just thinking back to two years ago, everyone and their neighbor had ideas for new mobile apps. Today, these mobile apps have funding, development teams, and slick demos. The success stories like Flappy Bird and 2048 alone were an inspiration to this generation of app developers showing them how far an original idea…
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Mobile Reviews – QMobile Noir Z7 – Designed Without Compromise

Mobile Reviews – QMobile Noir Z7 – Designed Without Compromise

QMobile proudly presents QMobile Noir Z7, the sexiest and slimmest phone in the world. While the Company has long been known for its passion for creating thin and elegant smartphones. Their next development QMobile Noir Z7 is fully consistent to uphold the standard.  Body As world's thinnest smartphone, holding the thickness of only 5.1 mm, This wonderful device of QMobile Noir Z7 family weighs just 95.5 g. While designing this beauty company have taken into account all the previous errors. QMobile Noir Z7 is made in a metal framework with durable aluminum alloys so despite the apparent fragility it's is…
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