
face recognition technology The glasses that could help police identify suspects - with the help of face recognition tech
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career – 12 ways to boost your productivity

career – 12 ways to boost your productivity

TalentSmart has tested more than a million people and found that the upper echelons of top performance are filled with people who are high in emotional intelligence (90% of top performers, to be exact). The hallmark of emotional intelligence is self-control—a skill that unleashes massive productivity by keeping you focused and on track. Unfortunately, self-control is a difficult skill to rely on. Self-control is so fleeting for most people that when Martin Seligman and his colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania surveyed two million people and asked them to rank order their strengths in 24 different skills, self-control ended up in…
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Solar Energy – Solar Wind Downdraft Tower Technology unique in the Market today

Solar Energy – Solar Wind Downdraft Tower Technology unique in the Market today

  Solar Wind Energy Tower, Inc. is the innovator and creator behind the only hybrid solar-wind technology in the market today named Solar Wind Downdraft Tower. The simplicity of Solar Wind Energy’s revolutionary solution lies in its ability to harness the natural power of a downdraft created when water is introduced to hot dry air within the confines of the company’s patented tower structure. Solar Wind Energy’s Tower is unique in that it does not have any operational limitations in terms of time. It’s capable of operating around the clock, 24 hours per day, seven days per week in contrast to…
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Seven Qualities that ALLAH does not Love

Seven Qualities that ALLAH does not Love.. 1. ISRAAF (Extravagance) "But waste not by excess: for ALLAH loves not the wasters (Al-Musrifun (those who waste by extravagance))." [Surah Al An'am 6:141] 2. ISTIKBAAR (Pride) "Verily He loves not the arrogant (proud)." [Surah Al Nahl 16:23] 3. MUKHTAL FAKHOOR (Arrogant boaster) "For ALLAH loves not any arrogant boaster." [Surah Luqman 31:18] 4. UDWAAN (Transgression) "For ALLAH loves not transgressors." [Surah Al Ma'idah 5:87] 5. DHULM (Evil, Wrongdoing) "But ALLAH loves not those who do wrong (Dhalimun (oppressors, polytheists and wrong doers))." [Surah Ali 'Imran 3:57] 6. KHIYAANAH (Treachery) "For ALLAH loves not…
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CISCO – Spanning Tree Enhancements

CISCO – Spanning Tree Enhancements

Loop Guard This feature prevents a port from erroneously transitioning from blocking state to forwarding when the port stops receiving BPDUs. The port is marked as being in loop-inconsistent state. In this state, the port does not forward packets. The possible values are Enable or Disable. TCN Guard Enabling the TCN Guard feature restricts the port from propagating any topology change information received through that port. This means that even if a port receives a BPDU with the topology change flag set to true, the port will not flush its MAC address table and send out a BPDU with a…
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Monotheism vs Trinity A great explanation about the difference between Monotheism vs Trinity is and comparing the two.
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Child Abuse – Three simple steps to save a child   We all know that child abuse is a very real threat in the world we live in today. The numbers tell a shocking story. When you read the stories and feel your heart sinking to your toes, do you ever wonder if there was something, someone could have done? Yes, there is. Preventing CSA is very, very possible. Watch the video to know how little it takes to start a chain reaction to keep kids safe. In three simple steps, learn what you need to know and how the knowledge can literally change a child’s life.  
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Career – How to explain your non-standard career path

Career – How to explain your non-standard career path

I was a corporate HR person for ages. I used to sit at recruiting meetings with the hiring managers in my company and review resumes with them. I always tried to convince my hiring managers to consider candidates with non-standard career path because once we met those people, they were always more interesting than the cookie-cutter people. Without any conscious awareness of it, I knew in my gut that those candidates would be more interesting and insightful people, once we got to meet them. It always turned out to be true. Sometimes were were hiring for a Senior Financial Analyst.…
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