
Management – Do Not Break These Time Management Rules

Are you the type of person who follows the rules, or do you go out and do your own thing? Sometimes, it is admirable and a good idea to go against the grain. Thinking outside of the box can be very beneficial and it can set you apart. However, other times, you really do need to follow the rules for your own good. That’s the case when it comes to time management. If you want to have any chance of keeping on top of your schedule without building your stress levels and going insane, then you do not want to…
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Startup – Fundable Startup Ideas That Matter

Startup – Fundable Startup Ideas That Matter

If there is any mystery in what kind of startup ideas are fundable, the good news is there are quite a few ideas that clearly are. Why don’t people jump on them right away? As you will see these ideas are just as useful as they are challenging. But not impossible. A list of such ideas was compiled by Y Combinator. They come in large categories: 1. Energy – low-cost energy directly increases the quality of life. Generally speaking, anything you can create to make energy from current energy sources cheaper will be revolutionary. Same goes for extracting energy out of…
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Startup – Mistakes Everyone Should Know About

Startup – Mistakes Everyone Should Know About

If you have a list of all the things you should not do, you can turn that into a recipe for succeeding just by negating. Below you will find the 18 startup mistakes: Single Founder – as a single founder you have almost zero chance of getting funding from Paul Graham. Why? It’s not a coincidence, he says, that founders who succeeded did so as a team of at least two. Bad Location – you can change everything about a house but its location. Likewise, if your startup is in a bad location, you can’t change the nature of that location. It’s easier…
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Career – 10 career choices you will regret in 20 years

Career – 10 career choices you will regret in 20 years

Every day we are faced with choices in our careers that will affect us over the long term. Should I volunteer for that new project? Should I ask for a raise? Should I take a sabbatical? Should I say yes to overtime? But sometimes we miss the biggest choices that will cause us to look back on our careers 20 years from now with pride and contentment — or regret. Here are some of the career choices we often make but will regret deeply in 20 years’ time: Pretending to be something you’re not. Maybe you’re pretending to be a…
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Entrepreneur – Things That Separate the Great Entrepreneurs From the Rest

Entrepreneur – Things That Separate the Great Entrepreneurs From the Rest

Exceptional entrepreneurs don't just do what's necessary. They constantly go above and beyond to ensure the success of their business. We asked members of the Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO) to share their thoughts on what it takes to be a great entrepreneur. Here's what they had to say: Grit "One characteristic which separates good entrepreneurs from great ones is grit. Being an entrepreneur isn't easy, and you won't always make perfect decisions. However, the leaders who can persevere through both the good and bad times have what it takes to be a great entrepreneur." Jeff Martin, EO Minnesota CEO and Founder,…
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VoIP – Benefits of SIP Trunking over ISDN Services

SIP Trunking has many advantages over ISDN, they include: Lower cost of access The cost of the access component of SIP Trunking is typically significantly cheaper than the more costly ISDN services. Typically expensive individual ISDN line interfaces can be replaced by a single, (or multiple redundant) IP link (via either copper or fibre). This offers the added benefit of reducing capex and opex, as costs for an Ethernet line is dramatically lower than multiple ISDN lines, while offering significantly higher scalable bandwidth. Lower call rates SIP Trunking typically offers slightly lower call rates than ISDN services, on a case-by-case…
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VoIP – Kazoo 2600HZ – troubleshooting – kazoo-ui module not working

kazoo-ui module not working Try 'sup whapps_maintenance migrate' It will walk all the databases and make sure everything is up to date. Typically you'd do this anytime you upgrade versions of Kazoo.   Do you have a 'system_schemas' database? If not, try 'sup whapps_maintenance refresh system_schemas' Should build and populate the DB.   try: sup crossbar_maintenance start_module cb_schemas If that was successful, open the system_config/crossbar document in Couch and edit the list of autoloaded modules to include cb_schemas.   try running sup whapps_maintenance migrate   Ref: Darren Schreiber + James Aimonetti ( google groups discussion )
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VoIP – Kazoo 2600HZ – troubleshooting – couch_compactor_fsm failure

couch_compactor_fsm failure if 2600hz plateform logs shows  couch_compactor_fsm failed to ping. solution: The compactor needs to know the cookie with which the BigCouch Erlang VM started because it needs to find out what ports BigCouch is listening on. Some folks run on non-standard ports, so the compactor will query the node directly to discover its configured ports. Failing to connect to BigCouch, compactor will use the ports configured in /etc/kazoo/config.ini to try compacting. Obviously this fails in most installs because most people are using HAProxy locally on 15984/15986 instead of 5984/5986. The cookie value in the system_config/whistle_couch doc should be set the…
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VoIP – Kazoo 2600HZ – GUI – Monster-UI

How to install Monster-UI ? Automated method: for kazoo build ( 3.19.39+  ) In the latest 3.19 build, commands have been added to automate adding available monster applications to Kazoo. you may install monster-ui using yum install monster-ui-* then run this command Assuming you've installed your Monster applications to /var/www/html/monster-ui/apps, you can run the following SUP command on the server: sup crossbar_maintenance init_apps '/var/www/html/monster-ui/apps' 'http://your.api.server:8000/v2' This will load the apps (and let you know which apps it couldn't automatically load) into the master account (including icons, if present). For any apps that failed to be loaded automatically, you can follow the manual instructions below. in…
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