
Asterisk Server Security – SIP security

If your SIP server is exposed to internet. Then you need to take some measure even if you have fail2ban installed. Fail2Ban keep track of the logs while blocking the attacks and some of the attacks might occur while fail2ban start jump into it. Following are the Tools used for that; sipsak sipvicious iWar sip-scan sipcli friendly-scanner VaxSIPUserAgent sundayddr you can block these attacks by using IP Tables. Following is the example for one the attack to block; iptables -I INPUT -j DROP -p udp –dport 5060 -m string –string "sip-scan" –algo bm Ref: Haroon Javed
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KAZOO – Features v4

KAZOO – Features v4

It's been a long time coming. We know we've been somewhat silent about all the work we've been doing for the past several months... but that's because we’ve been hard at work for almost 18 months on Kazoo 4.0. Now we're ready to share this great milestone with you!As part of this release, we’re trying to do a better job communicating changes and release dates. This email represents a “heads up” on all the new major features, bug fixes and backend improvements coming out in Kazoo 4.0. Open-source users should feel free to begin testing the new changes in 4.0…
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Asterisk vs FreeSWITCH – VoIP Platforms Comparison

Asterisk vs FreeSWITCH – VoIP Platforms Comparison

Asterisk vs FreeSWITCH, which VoIP platform is better? When selecting an open source PBX phone system, FreeSwitch and Asterisk are two competing PBX Solutions. In this FreeSWITCH versus Asterisk article we will take a look at some of the core features and how they differ. We will also review some of the most popular PBX systems that are built on top of each VoIP Platform. What is VoIP? Voice over IP (VOIP) is both a technique and a technology for communicating by transmitting voice and multimedia over IP as sessions. It is often at the core of internet telephony applications,…
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VoIP – Kazoo 2600HZ – debugging – no servers available in group 1 or 2

After Kazoo 2600hz install if you are getting errors while making calls even extension to extension ----------- ERROR: dispatcher [dispatch.c:1262]: ds_get_index(): destination set [2] not found ERROR: dispatcher [dispatch.c:1660]: ds_select_dst_limit(): destination set [2] not found WARNING: <script>: |end|no servers avaliable in group 1 or 2 ---------- this is in most cases due to either wrong configuration on freeswitch nodes in dispatcher or wrong entry/missing entry in db check using command 1) sup -n ecallmgr ecallmgr_config get fs_nodes are you getting list of all freeswitch nodes, in not then add them usign following command for each freeswitch node 2) sup -n…
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VoIP – Kazoo 2600HZ – troubleshooting – kazoo-ui module not working

kazoo-ui module not working Try 'sup whapps_maintenance migrate' It will walk all the databases and make sure everything is up to date. Typically you'd do this anytime you upgrade versions of Kazoo.   Do you have a 'system_schemas' database? If not, try 'sup whapps_maintenance refresh system_schemas' Should build and populate the DB.   try: sup crossbar_maintenance start_module cb_schemas If that was successful, open the system_config/crossbar document in Couch and edit the list of autoloaded modules to include cb_schemas.   try running sup whapps_maintenance migrate   Ref: Darren Schreiber + James Aimonetti ( google groups discussion )
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VoIP – Kazoo 2600HZ – troubleshooting – couch_compactor_fsm failure

couch_compactor_fsm failure if 2600hz plateform logs shows  couch_compactor_fsm failed to ping. solution: The compactor needs to know the cookie with which the BigCouch Erlang VM started because it needs to find out what ports BigCouch is listening on. Some folks run on non-standard ports, so the compactor will query the node directly to discover its configured ports. Failing to connect to BigCouch, compactor will use the ports configured in /etc/kazoo/config.ini to try compacting. Obviously this fails in most installs because most people are using HAProxy locally on 15984/15986 instead of 5984/5986. The cookie value in the system_config/whistle_couch doc should be set the…
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VoIP – Kazoo 2600HZ – GUI – Monster-UI

How to install Monster-UI ? Automated method: for kazoo build ( 3.19.39+  ) In the latest 3.19 build, commands have been added to automate adding available monster applications to Kazoo. you may install monster-ui using yum install monster-ui-* then run this command Assuming you've installed your Monster applications to /var/www/html/monster-ui/apps, you can run the following SUP command on the server: sup crossbar_maintenance init_apps '/var/www/html/monster-ui/apps' 'http://your.api.server:8000/v2' This will load the apps (and let you know which apps it couldn't automatically load) into the master account (including icons, if present). For any apps that failed to be loaded automatically, you can follow the manual instructions below. in…
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VoIP – Kazoo 2600HZ – Single server – Digitalocean

Kazoo Single Server Installation on Digitalocean Server Prerequisites Create a droplet of CentOS 6 64 bit. Digital Ocean Set host name properly. Its better to set it on droplet creation time to check hostname, hostname -f           should show complete name of host hostname -i           should show IP of host   Its a better idea to stop kernel updates. edit yum configuration file   -   vi /etc/yum.conf to stop kernel update using yum, add this line in configuration  exclude=kernel*  in [main] settings  Now there are two methods to proceed 1) Installation…
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