
Humanity in Islam: Service to Mankind is Service to God

We cannot despair of humanity, since we ourselves are human beings. - Albert Einstein Man is born with a heart of compassion which reacts in accordance to the feelings of fellow humans. Compassion, love, affection and care are the innate qualities which make a human. These qualities define man. The development or suppression of these qualities entirely depends on man himself. From time to time, philosophers and religious scholars have tried to encourage people to increase these innate qualities in themselves. Humanity is one such aspect which has been stressed upon in all parts of the world. "Service to Mankind…
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Clean Energy – IFW contends used tires for Clean Energy

Clean Energy – IFW contends used tires for Clean Energy

IFW Recycling Corporation sees a clear opportunity in the polluted skies by introducing reusable clean energy. According to CNN, inhabitants of Beijing are “choking as smog levels hit heavy or even worse levels.” Ironically, China is simultaneously one of the world’s biggest contributors to environmental pollution and largest producers of green & clean energy technology. Unfortunately for China, most of that technology is exported. As pollution problems continue to worsen, governments around the world are looking for any solution to solve their waste management problems. This is particularly true in countries like China that rely on coal fired plants to…
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Factors to Consider Before Accepting a Job Offer

Factors to Consider Before Accepting a Job Offer

When considering a new job offer, it is important to ensure the grass will truly be greener on the other side. While working for a new employer often helps an employee's career, it can also be a detriment. A new study from Spherion Staffing Services revealed that long-term career advancement doesn't always happen by moving from one employer to another, but rather by staying with one company. Specifically, 63% of workers said that long-term career advancement depends on staying with an employer for a long time. Additionally, 61% of workers today said that changing jobs every few years usually damages a person's long-term career…
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Solar Energy Pakistan – Everything You Need to Know

Solar Energy Pakistan – Everything You Need to Know

Energy crisis in Pakistan is neither new nor it is going to end any time soon, we know this for a fact. While you may agree that energy situation has just bettered (during Ramzan) but we aren’t sure if it is going to remain the same in coming days or not. I personally suppose that situation may remain uncertain for at least few years. Considering the situation, businesses and home users have long been working to find the best alternate energy solutions to meet their energy requirements. UPS is a solution for some, generators for others but both involve energy input in…
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Nouman Ali Khan – Why Muslims Fast in Ramadan?

Nouman Ali Khan – Why Muslims Fast in Ramadan?

Why Muslims fast in Ramadan? There are nearly 1.6 Billion+ Humans in The World who Observe Ramadan, The Question is: Why Muslims Fast In Ramadan? A beautiful video lecture from Nouman Ali Khan click image to play video
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Pillars of Islam

Pillars of Islam

Every Muslim must fulfill the obligations imposed by the five pillars of Islam. These obligations must be performed assiduously and wholeheartedly. These rituals and duties are woven into the lives of Muslims and give order and coherence to each and every day, taking precedence over all secular considerations. This means that, for a Muslim, Islam, submission to the will of God, is in the fullest sense, a way of life, not merely a part of life. Observation of the five pillars of Islam involves a direct relationship between the Muslim and God. There is no need for a priestly intermediary. Because the Muslim's…
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