Pakathon Launches Online University to Help Spread Startup Knowledge

Pakathon is launching an eight­ part online modules for technology and startup enthusiasts around the world over to tell you more about it.

 In the wake of a rapidly growing global startup movement, Pakistanis from diverse walks of life are using their expertise, from technology to filmmaking, to create an impact on their community
and reverse the ‘brain drain’. Pakathon empowers Pakistanis to be change agents around the world by helping them launch businesses and non­profits. These modules will be used to supplement events held by the organization around the world including October’s three­ day hackathon—where participants brainstorm and work towards implementing their projects.

Titled Pakathon University, this initiative seeks to educate those looking to setup and run their startup companies. The course’s first module, written by Nabeel Hussain, takes an in­depth look at how the All­India Muslim League used lean startup principles during the Pakistan movement.

As a supplementary learning platform, the Pakathon team wants people of all ages to understand the importance of entrepreneurship throughout Pakistan’s history, from the country’s inception until today.

Asad Badruddin, President of Pakathon said:

Our think tank team found a lack of materials about entrepreneurship that Pakistanis could relate to. We also felt that we could create some magic by looking at role models and events from a completely different perspective than the boring stuff you find on most textbooks and newspaper articles.

Participants will receive modules via email or online every month; topics differ each session. Interaction and conversations are essential course components, which is why instructors recommend setting aside time every month to read assigned materials, answer reflection questions, and share insights with other course­takers, along with the larger online community.

The course can be found here.

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