
How to Setup WordPress Coding Standards in VSCode?

How to Setup WordPress Coding Standards in VSCode?

WordPress Coding Standards are well documented in detail in WordPress Developer Handbook. WordPress also offers a Github project, which maintains the WordPress Coding Standards rules and the tools needed to inspect and format the code (PHP Code Sniffer And Beautifier). It is to keep in mind that, WordPress Coding Standards have notable differences from PSR (PHP Standard Recommendation), for example: snake case (my_function_name) space around function arguments (myfunction ( 'foo' )) long array syntax (array() instead of []) and more For Windows Users 1) NodeJS & NPM Installation If NodeJS and NPM is not installed on system, Please find install NodeJS from link https://nodejs.org/en/download 2) Composer Installation If Composer…
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Hackers are actively probing millions of WordPress sites

As of Nov 22, 2020, Unknown threat actors are scanning for WordPress websites with Epsilon Framework based themes installed on over 150,000 sites and vulnerable to Function Injection attacks that could lead to full site takeovers. "So far today, we have seen a surge of more than 7.5 million attacks against more than 1.5 million sites targeting these vulnerabilities, coming from over 18,000 IP addresses," Wordfence QA engineer and threat analyst Ram Gall said. The ongoing large-scale wave of attacks against potentially vulnerable WordPress websites is targeting recently patched vulnerabilities. While the security flaws found during the last few months in themes using…
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