After Kazoo 2600hz install if you are getting errors while making calls even extension to extension
ERROR: dispatcher [dispatch.c:1262]: ds_get_index(): destination set [2] not found
ERROR: dispatcher [dispatch.c:1660]: ds_select_dst_limit(): destination set [2] not found
WARNING: <script>: |end|no servers avaliable in group 1 or 2
this is in most cases due to either wrong configuration on freeswitch nodes in dispatcher or wrong entry/missing entry in db
check using command
1) sup -n ecallmgr ecallmgr_config get fs_nodes
are you getting list of all freeswitch nodes, in not then add them usign following command for each freeswitch node
2) sup -n ecallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance add_fs_node freeswitch@fs-hostname
now check again using command (1) if all ok. then run follwoing commands to reload services
epmd -daemon
service freeswitch restart
chkconfig freeswitch on
epmd -names
then try again , issue should be fixed