VoIP – Kazoo 2600HZ – GUI – Monster-UI

How to install Monster-UI ?

Automated method: for kazoo build ( 3.19.39+  )

In the latest 3.19 build, commands have been added to automate adding available monster applications to Kazoo.

you may install monster-ui using

yum install monster-ui-*

then run this command

Assuming you’ve installed your Monster applications to /var/www/html/monster-ui/apps, you can run the following SUP command on the server:

sup crossbar_maintenance init_apps '/var/www/html/monster-ui/apps' 'http://your.api.server:8000/v2'

This will load the apps (and let you know which apps it couldn’t automatically load) into the master account (including icons, if present). For any apps that failed to be loaded automatically, you can follow the manual instructions below.

in case you are unable to login to monster-ui, please check /var/www/html/monster-ui/js/config.js file. it may have wrong default url, it should be your api server url.

If you want to install a single Monster application:

sup crossbar_maintenance init_app '/var/www/html/monster-ui/apps/{APP}' 'http://your.api.server:8000/v2'


if you have installed monster-ui code yourself using git , even then you may run this command to import all the fancy metadata and icons (provided there’s an metadata/app.json file in the Monster application folder.

Ref :  github kazoo 2600hz 


Manual method: for older kazoo builds

cd /var/www/html

install git if its not installed

yum install git


fetch lasted git code

git clone https://github.com/2600hz/monster-ui monster-ui

cd monster-ui/

edit config file to set url for your API server

vi js/config.js

install modules

cd apps

git clone https://github.com/2600hz/monster-ui-voip voip

git clone https://github.com/2600hz/monster-ui-pbxs pbxs

git clone https://github.com/2600hz/monster-ui-numbers numbers

git clone https://github.com/2600hz/monster-ui-accounts.git accounts

git clone https://github.com/2600hz/monster-ui-webhooks webhooks

in metadata folder

to edit database documents

access http://kazoo-server-ip:15984/_utils/

or http://kazoo-db-server-ip:5984/_utils/

select main admin account database ( you may find its id from developer module )

on right top view drop down

select apps_store -> crossbar_listing

now create a new document here

copy .json document from metadata folder and copy that in it, just keep id of document as it generated

save document and then from top select attachment and upload images in icon or screen_shot folders

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