Today’s agriculture has transformed into a high-tech enterprise that most 20th-century farmers might barely recognize. After all, it was only around 100 years ago that farming in the US transitioned from animal power to combustion engines. Over the past 20 years the global positioning system (GPS), electronic sensors and other new tools have moved farming even further into a technological wonderland. Beyond the now de rigeur air conditioning and stereo system, a modern large tractor’s enclosed cabin includes computer displays indicating machine performance, field position and operating characteristics of attached machinery like seed planters. And as amazing as today’s technologies…
Believe it or not, it only takes one sentence to turn a great interview into a lost employment opportunity. After 10 years of running a recruiting firm, I can tell you that interviewers actively seek out the negative traits in the job seekers whom they meet. Be aware that the following sentences and phrases turn employers off and, thus result in wasted time meeting with the hiring manager. Therefore, it’s imperative to focus on avoiding the following statements, questions and phrases. “I want to own my own business.” – An entrepreneurial ambition is an aspiration best left unsaid. While it’s a productive…
Career Career - How to get your next job without applying for it If you’ve looked for a job recently, the first thing you probably noticed is that the recruitment process is broken. You could be perfectly qualified for a job and apply for it and then hear nothing back for months. Hiring managers don’t like the broken recruiting process any better than job-seekers do. HR people don’t like it. Nobody likes the broken, talent-repelling Black Hole recruiting portals except the vendors who charge their corporate and institutional clients to use their broken software. There’s a better way to get…
The search for alternative energy sources in the age of climate change has overlooked tidal energy: a vast and unexploited worldwide resource. For three decades now, tidal lagoon schemes have been recommended as an economically and environmentally attractive alternative to tidal barrages. More recently, two proposals for tidal lagoons in Swansea Bay, Wales have emerged and there have been several reports documenting how such a project there could have the potential to harness significant energy resources. Tidal/wave energy involves constructing a barrage, a dam or some other sort of barrier to harvest power from the height difference between high and…
This week the World Economic Forum is proud to announce the Young Global Leaders class of 2015. Primarily in their mid-30s, these 187 individuals are challenging traditional leadership paradigms and bringing about positive change in the world. Their organisations and approaches bring to mind a film of their youth (and mine) – the 1980s series Back to the Future, which predicted a futurist world in 2015 that blew our mind. In a time of Dictaphones, VHS tapes, the Sony Walkman, and the ground-breaking fax machine, the technology that Marty McFly confronted as he leapt 30 years into the future seemed…
Building a successful business is no easy feat. As a two-time entrepreneur, I’ve experienced the ups and downs of building a company and culture. Aside from my children, however, there is nothing I’m prouder of than the two great companies we’ve built: Likeable Media and Likeable Local. As we celebrate Small Business Saturday, here are 10 simple steps I took to build our first company, and a blueprint you can use to build a business of your own: 1. Find a Trustworthy Partner In my early 20s, I was working in sales at Radio Disney. I was the No. 1…
Management Management - 9 things to do before bed that will jump start tomorrow The quality of sleep we get affects every aspect of our lives — however 40% of Americans don’t get the amount of sleep necessary for performing their best. Fortunately, with a few simple additions to your nightly routine, you can transform your physical and mental well-being and set yourself up for success. Establishing a bedtime ritual is the key to sleeping longer, better, and starting your days more refreshed and energized. Author: Mike Nudelman is Business Insider’s editorial Graphic Designer. Ref: Weforum & Business Insider
Charlie O’Donnell, venture capitalist at Brooklyn Bridge Ventures, imparted two pieces of wisdom to a crowd of eager startups on how to handle VCs and get funded. During a panel discussion hosted by New York City’s digital tech team,Digital.NYC, O’Donnell joined startup cofounders from and Hatch to discuss how to scale your startup. One audience member, a young dad with his own startup idea, wanted to know when to start reaching out to potential investors. O’Donnell, who runs an $8 million fund, gave him these two pieces of advice: 1) Reach out early Don’t miss VentureBeat’s recent discussion with O’Donnell in…
Indeed Silicon Valley’s start-up ecosystem is the most mature and flourishing. But there are many up and coming cities around the world that are forming veins to pump lifeblood into the ecosystem to help entrepreneurs thrive. For example, I recently wrote a series about Melbourne Australia’s buzz. So what are these cities? Inspired by a series of posts from prolific Venture Capitalist, Mark Suster; Simply Business wanted to see how different cities around the world stacked up versus the Bay Area, to determine which cities offered interesting opportunities for startup founders, investors and developers. According to Simply Business: For startups seeking…