
How to Conquer Fear to Succeed

Fear is the greatest obstacle for any entrepreneur. Here's how the greats overcame it. This country has a great admiration for entrepreneurs. Many people hold up leaders like Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Mark Zuckerberg as heroes, maybe even gods. Some believe them to be invincible superheroes. But every entrepreneur is human. And each has to battle fears every day in order to reach success. And for each fear they conquer, the better the entrepreneurs they become. 1. Fear of Failure Failure is the most obvious fear for an entrepreneur. Successful entrepreneurs never lose this fear but rather harness its energy to…
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How to Acquire a Good Domain for Your Startup

Tips from a domain expert on how to find what names are available and choose the right one. Having the right domain for your business sounds like common sense. But it can be a challenging task. Your business name may not translate into a good domain name. Or someone else may already have grabbed it. Regardless of the challenges, it's absolutely essential that you have a good domain name so that customers can find you, as well as help increase brand awareness. So how do you actually acquire a good domain? Here are some suggestions that you'll need to take…
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How to reverse the brain drain

How to reverse the brain drain

  In 1968, while studying at the Mons Officer Cadet School in the United Kingdom, I needed to visit a hospital. There I met a doctor who, to my surprise, spoke fluent Arabic. I learned that he was new to the UK, so I asked if he intended to stay long or return home. He replied with an Arabic saying that translates as: “My home is where I can eat.” That doctor’s words stayed with me for many years, because they underscored the contradiction between our idealized view of “home” and the harsh realities of life that push talented people…
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Entrepreneur – Apps Every Entrepreneur Needs

Entrepreneur - Apps Every Entrepreneur Needs If you're an entrepreneur who is running your own company, chances are you have experience with the product you're building or selling. You probably do not have expertise with invoicing, analytics , or payments, among other things. That's why a good app can be so handy. Just because you're a sole proprietor or run a small startup, that doesn't mean you can't have executive-level support literally at your fingertips. There's an app for just about anything, including making your entrepreneurial pursuits just a little bit more manageable. Many of these apps range in price…
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Cisco –  Cisco AutoSecure Feature

Cisco – Cisco AutoSecure Feature

How To Secure Your Cisco Router Using Cisco AutoSecure Feature?The Cisco AutoSecure feature is available to all IOS version 12.3 and above and supported on all hardware platforms, including all newer Cisco 870, 880, 1800, 1900, 2800, 2900, 3800 and 3900 series routers. To maximize flexibility the Cisco AutoSecure command supports two different modes depending on your needs and flexibility required: AutoSecure Interactive Mode: This mode prompts the user with options to enable/disable services and other security features supported by the IOS version the router is running. AutoSecure Non-Interactive Mode: Automatically executes the Cisco AutoSecure command using the recommended Cisco…
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Entrepreneur – Founder stories – People don’t want drills

Entrepreneur – Founder stories – People don’t want drills

Entrepreneur - Founder stories - People don’t want drills This post originally appeared on ChargeCon, an event series produced by Mountain and Jumpstart Foundry. Your whole life in business is full of wins and losses. This is a story of one loss that really impacted my business. I own, CentreSource, an interactive agency. We build really custom web applications, enterprise websites, mobile apps, etc. Our whole purpose is to help a client take something out of their head and bring it to fruition in a digital world. Back in 2006, an older gentleman came to us for a project. He was in…
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How to follow up after an interview

How to follow up after an interview

I often speak about showing commitment to a job search. It’s never enough to just send out applications and go to interviews – you need to go the extra mile every single time. Something which not many people do is follow up after an interview. As an employer, I always think highly of candidates who do this and I wonder why more of them don’t. Now more than ever, we are in a candidate-led market, which means you face high competition. If this is the case, you need to do everything in your power to stand out. Of course, if…
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How To Be Creative

How To Be Creative

You could do anything except for doing absolutely nothing. What you do does not matter so much. But some ways of how to be creative are proven to turn on your genius even when you are deep in the gutter of self-doubt. To get out, do these things: Do what you are under-skilled to do – if you know pretty well what you are doing you are probably jaded by now. Facing a tremendous creative challenge makes you go scrambling for solutions. That’s where creativity starts – either you sink or you swim. Isaac Asimov, a legendary fiction writer who had a Ph.D.…
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Simple Ways To Be Much More Productive

Simple Ways To Be Much More Productive

Regardless of the kind of job you do regularly, there comes a time when you feel like you need more than 24 hours a day to accomplish all items in your to-do list. However, you know that it is not possible, and the least you can do is organize your schedules by applying effective strategies. If you feel tied up in work and unable to complete all your tasks, then these practical ways to be more productive can help you make the most of each day. 1. Learn to prioritize. You may be a single mom with a regular office…
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Ways To Never Be Unemployed

Ways To Never Be Unemployed

According to the current economic environment, it is projected that unemployment rate will subside by approximately 7.5% by the end of this year. However, that does not mean that the job cuts and layoffs will not be experienced. Most companies use this strategy to reduce their operating costs. 1. Do everything on time All managers can attest to the fact that the most irritating thing is managing employees who never get to the office or complete tasks on time. Hence, it is highly recommendable to wake up early and arrive at your workplace in time. One of the sure ways…
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