
Brothers – A Tale of Two Sons – PS4, Xbox One and mobile

Brothers – A Tale of Two Sons – PS4, Xbox One and mobile

At this point in the PlayStation 4's and Xbox One's lifecycle, they almost seem more like "in case you missed it" machines than those offering brand new experiences. That isn't always a bad thing though, and especially not where the excellent Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is concerned. Starbreeze Studio's heartbreaking indie hits Microsoft and Sony's latest consoles "this holiday season" according to a press release. Furthermore, IGNreports that it'll feature a few new additions as well, including a director's commentary track, a concept art gallery and a soundtrack. And if you've heard your console-owning pals raving about the…
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Mobile phone Security – How to Prepare for Mobile Theft or Loss

With mobiles or cell phones becoming fancier, more popular, and more expensive, they are increasingly liable to theft. Telephone security is of the utmost important in era when everyone has so much sensitive information stored on their phone. Mobile theft or loss is a pain for the victim and there is not much you can do once your phone has gone missing. We discuss the risks associated with losing your phone and some prevention measures that can help you keep your phone safer.   Lost/Stolen Mobile Phone Risks Following are some of the major risks associated with mobile theft or loss: A lot of people…
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