
Asterisk Server Security – SIP security

If your SIP server is exposed to internet. Then you need to take some measure even if you have fail2ban installed. Fail2Ban keep track of the logs while blocking the attacks and some of the attacks might occur while fail2ban start jump into it. Following are the Tools used for that; sipsak sipvicious iWar sip-scan sipcli friendly-scanner VaxSIPUserAgent sundayddr you can block these attacks by using IP Tables. Following is the example for one the attack to block; iptables -I INPUT -j DROP -p udp –dport 5060 -m string –string "sip-scan" –algo bm Ref: Haroon Javed
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How to become an ethical hacker

How to become an ethical hacker

Ethical hacker A person who hacks into a computer network in order to test or evaluate its security, rather than with malicious or criminal intent. So if you want to be an ethical hacker, the truth is there is no easy method to become a skilled hacker. it’s easy to be a script kiddie and load up Armitage or Fast-track and fire every exploit known to man at a target. But what’s the point at firing Linux exploits at a Windows box!. Essential prerequisite knowledge If you want to get into the IT  security world as a white hat you must be…
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Mobile phone Security – How to Prepare for Mobile Theft or Loss

With mobiles or cell phones becoming fancier, more popular, and more expensive, they are increasingly liable to theft. Telephone security is of the utmost important in era when everyone has so much sensitive information stored on their phone. Mobile theft or loss is a pain for the victim and there is not much you can do once your phone has gone missing. We discuss the risks associated with losing your phone and some prevention measures that can help you keep your phone safer.   Lost/Stolen Mobile Phone Risks Following are some of the major risks associated with mobile theft or loss: A lot of people…
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