Kazoo Single Server Installation on Digitalocean Server
Create a droplet of CentOS 6 64 bit. Digital Ocean
Set host name properly. Its better to set it on droplet creation time
to check hostname,
hostname -f should show complete name of host
hostname -i should show IP of host
Its a better idea to stop kernel updates.
edit yum configuration file – vi /etc/yum.conf
to stop kernel update using yum, add this line in configuration exclude=kernel* in [main] settings
Now there are two methods to proceed
1) Installation script
cd /opt
git clone https://github.com/2600hz/community-scripts
mkdir -p /opt/kazoo_install
cd /opt/kazoo_install
cp ../community-scripts/simple-installer/* ./
chmod +x /opt/kazoo_install/setup*
chmod +x /opt/kazoo_install/install*
answer the questions like n for network configurations if its already configured, option 1 to install from network and y for single server.
then it will ask for master user settings and you are done
in some versions kamailio doesn’t start , to check that
service kamailio status – if ti not ok and gives error like “kamailio dead but subsys locked”
then try
groupadd kamailio
service kamailio restart
it should be ok
you may access web interface using http://server_ip/kazoo-ui
to install monster-ui , please follow this article – Kazoo 2600hz Monster-UI installation
2) Manual
Set kazoo 2600hz yum repository
curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/2600hz.repo http://repo.2600hz.com/2600hz.repo