


NEW PROGRAM TO HELP U.S. SMALL CLEAN ENERGY BUSINESSES Small businesses make a big impact on America’s economy, adding more than one million employees last year. They are central to developing the new clean energy technologies that are needed to cut carbon pollution and improve the environment. However, small businessentrepreneurs often lack the resources necessary to move their innovative ideas from their laboratory bench to the marketplace. At the Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative’s Southeast Regional Summit in Atlanta, Georgia, the Energy Department announced the national laboratories who will be taking the lead in implementing a new Small Business Vouchers Pilot,…
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How to Downgrade Windows 10 to Windows 7 or 8.1 in Simple Steps

What if you don’t like Windows 10? There are simple ways to downgrade Windows 10 to Windows 7 or 8.1. By using the simple recovery option, you can go back to your older genuine Windows copy within one month of the upgrade. Windows 10 was released last week and many of you would have installed this latest version of Windows on your PCs. Microsoft ensured that this upgrade is quick and painless for the users. If you are having trouble upgrading to Windows 10, you can read our how to upgrade to Windows 10 guide. But, what if you don’t like…
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Magento – Compiler – Page not displaying after compilation

Magento – Compiler – Page not displaying after compilation

When trying to enable the compilation mode, either through admin panel or through command line. Some times we get a strange behavior. Page disappears. to fix this, disable compilation mode Access server command line and run these commands php -cli public_html/shell/compiler.php disable will get output like Content-type: text/html Compiler include path disabled php -cli public_html/shell/compiler.php state Content-type: text/html Compiler Status: Disabled Compilation State: Compiled Collected Files Count: 7605 Compiled Scopes Count: 4 ---------- if you do not have access to command line, you may try disabling compilation related commands from config file in includes/config.php disable these lines #define('COMPILER_INCLUDE_PATH', dirname (__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'src');…
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Time management habits all leaders should learn

One of the most difficult skills to master at the beginning of your career is time management. You can waste a tremendous amount of time by trying to multitask or focusing too much on unimportant details. Montreal-based designer and author Étienne Garbugli has struggled with all of that. As he’s gotten older, he’s learned how to manage his time and workload more effectively and has analyzed what’s worked for him and fellow entrepreneurs. In 2013, his viral presentation on the subject, “26 Time Management Hacks I Wish I’d Known at 20,” was named the “Most Liked Presentation” of the year by…
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The Unicorn Club, 2015 – Learning From Billion-Dollar Companies

The Unicorn Club, 2015 – Learning From Billion-Dollar Companies

As we wrote in our original post – many entrepreneurs, and the venture investors who back them, seek to build big, impactful companies valued at a billion dollars or more. We called these companies “unicorns” because what they had achieved seemed very difficult, rare, and relatively unstudied. That billion-dollar threshold is important, because historically, top venture funds have driven returns from their ownership in just a few companies that grow to be super-successful. And as most traditional funds have grown in size, they require larger “exits” to deliver acceptable returns (Cowboy Ventures is different – we’re small by design, although…
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Solar Paper – Solar charger for iPhones, Samsung Smartphones and Cameras

Solar Paper – Solar charger for iPhones, Samsung Smartphones and Cameras

Solar Paper is the world’s first solar charger that is paper thin, ultra light in weight, pretty flexible solar panel that easily fits between the pages of a notebook or a planner. Solar energy is nothing but the energy harnessed from sunlight which is available in abundant and just needs to be tapped with appropriate devices. Solar Charger, is not a new product and there are already many solar chargers available in the market which are really great; however the main problem with even the best of the chargers is that either they are too heavy or too big which makes it…
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Lenovo LaVie Z series review: super light, super compromised

Lenovo LaVie Z series review: super light, super compromised

                            The Lenovo LaVie Z series is a winner. Or at least it was before I tested one for this review. The HZ550, as it was originally called, captured our attention at CES for being the lightest-ever 13-inch laptop: just 1.7 pounds. Its sibling, the touchscreen HZ750, wasn't much heavier at 2.04 pounds. In either case, Lenovo promised surprisingly robust performance, with the help of full-fledged Intel Core CPUs (i.e., not the sort of watered-down chips we typically see in thin-and-light machines). The combination of portability and…
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Sony Xperia Z4 tablet review: a great device saddled with a terrible dock

Sony Xperia Z4 tablet review: a great device saddled with a terrible dock

    Sony's tablets have quietly been getting better over the years. Prioritizing refinement over dazzling new features, the Xperia Z2 Tablet and Z3 Tablet Compact were two of 2014's best. The Xperia Z4 Tablet is the direct replacement to the Z2, and Sony has ticked off all the right checkboxes in creating it. With its slim profile, super-high res display and all the latest chips inside, it looks like a dream on paper. Does it live up to expectations? Xperia Z4 Tablet PROS Incredibly thin and light Near-flawless performance Water- and dust-resistant PS4 Remote Play CONS Very reflective display…
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Entrepreneur – Jack Ma’s rules for success

Entrepreneur – Jack Ma’s rules for success

Entrepreneur - Jack Ma’s rules for success Get used to rejection Keep your dream alive Focus on culture Ignore the #LittleMan Get inspired Stay focused, the need to say no Choose a good company name Customers are #1 Don’t complain, look for opportunities Have passion, right from day 1 Ref: TechinAasia
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IBM Reveals the World’s First 7nm Chips

IBM Reveals the World’s First 7nm Chips

It is usually Intel that is in the news with its latest and industry leading processor innovations, but today it is IBM (or rather IBM led consortium) that has set a new standard by announcing the world’s most advanced processor chips. The new chips are the world’s first 7nm node chips.  In comparison, the most cutting-edge commercial CPUs of today are built using 14nm process which has been employed by just Intel and Samsung so far. In fact, the current generation is still in the transition process of going all-in with 14nm manufacturing process. There are plans for 10nm chips…
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