
When should small business shell out for hosted service?

When should small business shell out for hosted service?

Where would small businesses be without hosted services? They let you do everything from store files to hold meetings, without adding costly infrastructure. In most cases you can take advantage of these services without spending a cent thanks to generous free entry-level plans. But while these unpaid options are understandably attractive, there are times it makes sense to pony up for a more premium offering. We took a look at several hosted services small businesses commonly use to determine which are worth paying for and when. Domain name If there’s one thing you must drop some cash on, it’s a…
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MedicSMS – First aid diagnosis and advice via SMS

MedicSMS – First aid diagnosis and advice via SMS

MedicSMS - SMS based first aid for the developing world. Inspiration For MediSMS, Our aim is to allow those in developing countries, with limited or no access to the internet, the same first aid information which is readily available to the world that has easy access to the internet. What it does MedicSMS empowers those in developing countries that have access to ordinary cell phones with the ability to obtain a first aid diagnosis and advice via SMS. Users simply text in their symptoms, and, using a combination of the Twilio and IBM Watson APIs, we translate the natural language…
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Help Desk Solutions – ZenDesk

Zendesk Zendesk is software for better customer service. Zendesk brings all your customer conversations into one place. i.e. EMAIL: Keep your email communication organized. Support unlimited email addresses in your Zendesk. SOCIAL: Connect your Facebook and Twitter pages with Zendesk, and stay on top of all social conversations. VOICE: Take customer calls in your Zendesk or route them to your mobile. All calls and voicemails are transcribed into tickets. CHAT: Zopim Chat is a faster and more personal way for your customers to get real-time support from your agents.
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Mohafiz – a life saving mobile app

Mohafiz – a life saving mobile app

Mohafiz is a life saving mobile application that allows you to broadcast a life-threatening situation to the people you choose as 'In Case of Emergency (ICE)' contacts through SMS, Facebook and Twitter. Features Mohafiz and its features are response to the lack of infrastructure that our governments have when it comes to providing emergency support services. Mohafiz App has been developed by taking into account that it has all the features needed for the one facing grave situation. 1) Alerts through Text Messages. You can broadcast the message for help through SMS message just at the press of a button.…
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13 Disturbing Facts About Employee Engagement [INFOGRAPHIC]

If you are an employee, are you stressed out and feel a lack of passion about what you do? If you are a manager, do you notice that your company loses suffers from lost productivity, absenteeism, and high turnover? If you answered yes to either of these questions, your problem is likely low employee engagement. The folks over at OfficeVibe put together an infographic about the high costs of low employee engagement. It also reveals how common a problem it really is. 75% of companies say they can’t attract the right talent. 83% worry that their employer brand isn’t compelling. Jacob…
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What Is HTTP/2 And How It Works

What Is HTTP/2 And How It Works

HTTP/2 or HTTP Version 2 is the second major version of HTTP network protocol. It is based on SPDY/2 to improve web performance to a very great extent. HTTP/2 is developed by the Hypertext Transfer Protocol working group of the Internet Engineering Task Force. HTTP 1.1 was a major move from HTTP 1.0 as it allowed persisted connections(more than one request/response on the same HTTP connection), improved caching, new status code, Enhanced compression support, OPTION method for Cross Origin Resource Sharing in web application and much more. HTTP/1.1 has served the Web well for more than fifteen years, but its…
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Tackling poverty with Technology – Samia Razaq

Tackling poverty with Technology – Samia Razaq

Samia Razaq - Introduction Samia Razaq likes to call herself a geek. Born on the Pakistan side of Kashmir, she is a child of an armed forces family. As her family moved around the country, she felt most at home behind a computer screen. “I was always this nerdy kid who would sit and code all day,” she said. It was there, perched at a computer, where she would find her calling. Now 26, Samia Razaq is Director of the Innovations for Poverty Alleviation Lab (IPAL), a research center within Pakistan’s prestigious Information Technology University. Composed and dressed in a…
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Factors which determine the cost of a Mobile App

Factors which determine the cost of a Mobile App

Since mobile apps are usually free to download, we often think that these apps are free. But this is not the case. To create great apps, an efficient mobile app development process requires a number of efforts, a strong foundation, excellent planning, an extraordinary ecosystem, and a perfect team with skilled human resource. The cost of apps varies due to a number of factors and the market conditions at a particular point in time. It also largely depends on the type of the app which needs to be developed. According to a survey in which almost 96 app developers were interviewed, the…
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Software Houses in Lahore you should know about

Software Houses in Lahore you should know about

Growing up in Lahore, we were always told that our city was hailed for its abundance of great food. People from all over the country used to (and still do) come to Lahore for their foodie fix, whether it was desi food they craved, Chinese or fast food. Now, with the advent of the modern age, I hope that the new tech-savvy generations growing up in Lahore will be urged to feel the same pride when they learn about the hundreds of people who leave their own cities to come work in one of Lahore’s famed software houses. Not only…
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